Monday 27 June 2011

Dog Breeds

No doubt adopting a street mongrel is a great way of tackling the issue of rising number of uncared-for stray dogs besides ensuring the safe and healthy upbringing of al least one of those ‘less fortunate’ canines; however, for those of you who are particular about bringing in a particular breed of dogs, it is vital that you read up as much information possible on the same.

Dog Breeds Brown

 Remember that the dogs will decide their relative status on their own. The resident dog may not be the "top dog." Their status is not set in stone, and it is perfectly normal for dogs to challenge one another from time to time. Often you will not even be aware of the challenges. If you sense that a conflict is brewing, redirect their attention by giving them some commands and engaging them in other activities. If a fight seems imminent, separate the dogs and let them cool off.

Dog Breeds White

When you have completed the adoption and are bringing the new dog to your home for the first time, confine the resident dog to one part of the house while the new dog explores the rest. Then switch their territories. This allows each to become familiar with the other's scent.

Dog Black

If you already own a dog and are considering acquiring another, one of the best things you can do prior to adoption is to bring your current dog with you to meet his potential new buddy.   Introductions are always completed best on neutral territory, where neither dog feels threatened or feels the need to defend his "turf".

Dogs White

Introductions with other dogs can be a bit tricky with pit bulls. Some pit bulls simply will not get along with other dogs. Others may only get along with dogs of the opposite sex or may get along with a few, select dogs. There are some pit bulls who have poor greeting behavior but when carefully introduced, may end up doing fine with other dogs. And then there are pit bulls who are very dog-friendly. It is important to recognize what level of tolerance for other dogs that your pit bull has.